Hungblomster E-commerce

Responsive Website For A Local Business


Hungblomster is a website to order organic flowers online. The typical users are people care about organic products in Denmark and the people want to send flowers to their family and friends in Denmark.

Roles Tools Project Duration
UX Research/Designer, UI Designer Figma Sept 2021 - Oct 2021

The Problem

Everything we do makes an impact. LOOK FOR SAFE & ETHICAL FARMING PRACTICES. You would support your local farmer when buying organic produce. Conventionally grown flowers are treated much in the same way as non-organic fruits and vegetables—and the negative consequences of toxic chemicals reaches far and wide.

The Goal

Design a friendly to users to order Organic flowers without coming to the market or the shop.


Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, iterating on designs, determining information architecture, and responsive design.

Design Process

Design Process


I conducted user interviews, which I then turned into empathy maps to better understand their needs. I discovered that many target users care about organic flowers. However, they can not find a typical flower shop like that, and they can not find the option to delivery flowers.

User pain points

Personas & problem statements

Hannah is professional makeup artist in Paris. She wants to send a special bouquet of flowers for her mother. Hannah is so frustrated with the old fashioned flower shop and their websites to order either to pay.

User Persona


User journey map

I created a user journey map of Hannah’s experience using the site to help identify possible pain points and improvement opportunities.

User Journey Map

Information Architecture

I want to create a simple and effective for the users to order delivery organic flowers. I focus on how I can navigate the users easy and minimal. Using the insights as well as our user needs defined earlier, I created a sitemap for ideating the site.

Information Architecture


Paper wireframe screen size variations

I started to work on designs for additional screen sizes to make sure the site would be fully responsive. In this wireframe I designed more options to user be able to shop easier. Otherwise I also showed user the most wanted products



Low-fidelity prototype

The low-fi prototype is the primary user flow of adding an item to the cart and checking out.

Check out the Hungblomster

Low-fidelity Prototype

Usability study: findings

To start testing the designs, I created a low-fidelity prototype for testing.This prototype was used in an unmoderated usability study with 5 participants. Here are the main findings uncovered by the usability study

Style guide

The color palette is minimal color palette which similarly featured a light dark green, black, and grey.

Style Guide

Refining the design

I made changes to improve the site’s checkout flow. One of the changes I made was adding button “back” and “cancel” if users need to change their mind. This allowed users more freedom to edit their choice without clicking on home button.

Refining the design

High-fidelity prototype

My hi-fi prototype followed the same user flow as the lo-fi prototype, and included the design changes made after the usability study.

High-fidelity prototype


Accessibility considerations

  1. I used headings with different sized text for clear visual hierarchy
  2. I used breadcrums to help users navigate the site.
  3. I consider using the color for accessibility


What I learned
Next steps

Thanks for reading!^^